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Internet anecdotes: some structural types

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The article highlights and analyzes the new structural types of modern Internet anecdotes, which are significant for an anecdote as a speech genre. The systematization of these types is relevant for the theory of speech genres and the typology of Internet communication: see the growing popularity of this genre and a large number of linguistic, folklore, culturological, etc. studies on the genre of anecdote.

The author considers the written character and Internet-existence / interactivity to be the main factors that determine the originality and variability of the form of Internet anecdotes. There are three types of written anecdotes in Runet on the basis of a different degree of opposition to the original (primary) oral genre – telling an anecdote.

Have been analyzed in details: 1) structurally-thematic types of Internet jokes: anecdotes “only Russian (people)…”; Anecdotes about British scientists (“British scientists have determined that…”); Anecdotes about “computer scientists” and the Internet; 2) the actual structural types of Internet anecdotes: “List” anecdotes and anecdotes-classifications; Two-replicas anecdotes with the error of communicative pragmatics; Anecdotes about “YES!”.

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