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Язык публикации: Russian
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Modern linguistics is characterized by transfer of attention from the study of linguistic structure to the investigation of its functioning. Substitution of the unnecessary formalization by the advancement of theses that can’t be specified and proved is typical. Many modern functional studies try to achieve the solution of all the problems without passing the necessary intermediate stages. These studies do not differentiate the fundamental notions. The problems of the elaboration of the methods of investigation remain actual.

Язык публикации: Russian
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With a view toward developing a more inclusive understanding of indirectness in interaction, author returns to Bateson's notion of abduction (a mental process by which meaning is created by analogy) and three related theoretical frameworks: Friedrich's polytropy, Becker's prior text, and Bakhtin's dialogicality – all theories of intertextuality. In order to show how these concepts help us understand the workings of indirectness in interaction author considers examples of family interaction in which one family member speaks in the voice of another, a phenomenon she calls ventriloquizing. Ventriloquizing creates meaning by abduction, as speakers borrow others' identities and thereby temporarily assign to themselves characteristics associated with those whose voices they borrow. Abduction can therefore be understood as a type of indirectness – one that is pervasive in interaction.

Язык публикации: Russian
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The article presents an analysis of the problem of the efficiency of construction and perception of speech genres in cooperative communication. Exemplified by samples of communicative failures (communicative deviations) taken from Russian and Ukrainian fiction, the circumstances of the efficiency of construction and perception of speech genres in the oral modus of communication are formulated, where the oral modus is viewed as one of the key notions of linguistic genology that includes interrelations of the lingual realization of the communicants’ intentions and non-lingual constituents of speech construction and perception.

Язык публикации: Russian
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The article describes the classification of journalistic speech genres, which is based on communicative intentions. Genres were classified twice: taking into account the leading motives of journalistic activity, informing, assessment, and incentive genres were separated firstly; the subsequent genre differentiation was made within the groups in view of the subject component of the purposes. As an example of stylistic realization of genre the author analyzes the substantive structure of the “Message on the situation” speech genre.

Язык публикации: Russian
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The theory of performative speech acts has had important consequences for several academic fields: philosophy and linguistics (naturally), as well as literary theory, anthropology, and education. In recent years, it has been incorporated into the discourse of the law, by both legal scholars and sociolinguists. But nowhere does speech act theory have such concrete and far-reaching consequences as in the definitions of hate speech and its legal status.

Язык публикации: Russian
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The aim of this article is to outline the terminological differences and dissimilarities in studies on texts, as well as present problems in the classification of texts or, more specifically, difficulties in their descriptions in German and Polish philological reflection and in finding common points in defining particular phenomena and terms. This is an attempt at systematization in order to avoid terminological discrepancies and the misunderstanding of terms. The article also shows various research methods within the linguistic genology in the contrastive approach, and their significant influence on shaping and grounding particular terms. It seems crucial in this context to outline the newest trends within the scope of scientific interest of German linguistic genology, taking into account more and more clearly articulated postulates emphasizing the necessity of extending the range of studies in this field to include literary texts, which in consequence may lead to necessary terminological verification.

Ключевые слова: языковая генология, текст
Язык публикации: Russian
Текст статьи:

In the article the author examines the different points of view on a popular question of current theory of speech genres: whether irony is a speech genre. The author discusses different ways to understand the essence of irony, and the place of irony in the more or less related communicative speech phenomena: the relation between irony and humor (including the various genres of humor, such as jokes, anecdotes, mockery), the possibility of rudeness in ironic texts (ironic aggression can manifest itself not only in the form of a thin ridicule, but in rough shape), irony and self-irony in internal speech (the irony is not expressed due to ethical, diplomatic or other reasons: ironic or sarcastic consent reaction to the speech of the person with whom there is no dialogue, and the ironic citation itself). Some specific methods of “subtle irony” are considered in detail (strong underestimation of the negative evaluation of the person or situation, especially typical for English and American literature).

Язык публикации: Russian
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This work is done within the framework of the theory of speech genres. The article raises the problem of differentiation of variability of speech genres and homonymy. In the example of different texts comments seeks to identify variants and of similar genres. There are cases of the use of "masks" of the genre for the realizing the texts of other genres. As a criterion for distinguishing, use the parameters of genres.

Язык публикации: Russian
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The article demonstrates various speech figures forming the relevant stylistical basis of newspaper comic genres of a minimal text structure. It also shows the existing tendencies in dominant figurative means in the most widely spread genres; names of figures are suggested that have no acceptional terminological designation. Thus the problem of systematic description of small-size newspaper genres of comical nature may be settled, and the notion of potential formation of stylistical figures may be broadened. The article contributes to the development of genre studies and the development of elocution.

Язык публикации: Russian
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The verbalization of the ideological word “people” in Russian anecdote texts is described, and the Russian ethnic self-stereotypes in humoristic context are studied. It is concluded that the Russian national character after anecdote data corresponds to the Russian national character as a whole.

Язык публикации: Russian
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The historical origins of cento and its correlation with adjacent phenomenonа are examined. The code of rules of production of cento as a compilative genre is arranged. The conditions of its success are analysed. The question of the relationship of cento to verse and prosaic forms of speech is scrutinized. The instrumental (according to cento production devices), functional (according to the purposes for which given genre is used), quantitative (according to the number of authors and texts used) and intentional typology of centos (according to the motives for which the texts-sources of the cento are used by the compiler) are worked out.

Язык публикации: Russian
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The article deals with the poetry of Marina Tsvetaeva, in particular with the poem «Lanes», from the standpoint of the theory of speech genres. It is established that the plot is a complex secondary genre that corresponds to most of the characteristics of the speech genres. Earlier, the incantation was considered a genre of folklore. In this article the incantation is a genre of Marina Tsvetaeva´s poetic text. Tsvetaeva strived to implement the form of "verbal magic", a game of rhythm, intonation and sound in her poetry , and she also used the wealth of potentialities sense. The article shows that the poetic word has great power over man. This power is akin to magic power.

Язык публикации: Russian
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This article is devoted to the secondary speech genre “reminder”, which is widely used in contemporary mass literature. This genre reflects the author’s orientation on the limited store of knowledge of a potential reader. In a dialogue with the reader, the authors of mass literature try to create a feeling of intellectual comfort.

The status of a cultured person is correlated with the ability, at least superficially, to navigate the world of

classic literature. The ability to capture the «intertextual echoes» defines the level of cultural and linguistic competence of language person and its ability to navigate the game space of the text. The “reminder” genre is connected with gaming allusions when using case phenomena.

The article shows different forms of actualization of the speech genre in texts.

Язык публикации: Russian
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The article focuses on the means of the representation of reminiscences in lyrical songs of different time periods. Here reminiscences are viewed as the state of consciousness, the immersion into which entails particular psychological effects. The author suggests distinguishing between songs-reminiscences and those songs that remind. The characteristic features of these songs as belonging to a particular speaking genre are highlighted here. The evolution of the means of speaking about the past is under consideration with the stress on the fact that in a contemporary song a sender tends to manifest his/her ego to a much greater degree in comparison to the songs of earlier periods. Here the reminiscences about love become a history. As a result, a sense of sadness, inherent in the reminiscences about love, is being lost here.

Язык публикации: Russian
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The article describes the Internet memes that are widely used in the Internet sphere as a part of the comic speech genres. Internet memes are considered a specific type of precedent phenomena. The possibilities of achieving comic effect and identifying the speech genres that incorporate Internet memes are defined as a coincidence of elements of the cultural background of communicants and common presuppositions.

Язык публикации: Russian
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The article addresses the problems of computer-mediated communication and convergent characteristics of Internet contributing to genres 2.0 system formation and development, which has essentially transformed the basic notion of the text. The notion of political media text is specified within new media context, main characteristics of media texts are defined and an attemp of media texts typology building as well as linguistic analysis on their lexical, morphological and syntactical levels is made. The problem of text transformation is researched on the basis of American politicians’ personal sites.

Язык публикации: Russian
Текст статьи:

In the article two fundamentally different varieties of well-known in the modern Russian-language Internet genre of anonymous collective encyclopedia – Russian Wikipedia and Lurkmore.ru – have been discussed. Originally created as a carnival, a postmodern parody of Wikipedia, Lurkmore.ru develops some new traits, such as judgmental subjectivity, arising from the desire of authors to demonstrate not only their creativity, but also sincerity, courage and freedom.

But the main feature of Lurkmore.ru, according to the author, appears to be informality. This characteristic is

considered by the author as genre-forming and has been associated with traditional typological characteristics of Russian culture, such as informality and personality.

Through the prism of these characteristics two aspects of text structure of encyclopedia Lurkmore.ru have been discussed: evaluative features (including the contents of specific rating scales) and language features (such as intertextuality, which stems, on the one hand, from the stories of Japanese fairy tale anime, whose fans were the first authors of Lurkmore.ru, and on the other, from the conditionality Lurkmore.ru by genre features of imageboards, whose participants are almost all these authors).

Язык публикации: Russian
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In the article the aspects of the problem of indirect communication in linguistics of the last ten years have been discussed. A brief overview of the state of modern linguistics and its place in the problems of indirect communication has been provided. The main directions of recent research on this issue have been presented, as well as the types and aspects of indirect communication that had not become the object of attention of linguists. Separately, the problem of indirect communication and linguosemiotics has been discussed (semiotic classification of indirect communication, a comparative study of linguistic units and non-izosemic structures with different degrees of conventionality), indirect communication and lexical semantics (metaphorical categories like direct / indirect, and their semantic structure), the problem of indirect communication and cognitive linguistics (the study of how the direct and indirect aspects of the concept, including etymological and associative, are reflected in different parts and aspects of the text and in the overall communicative competence of a native speaker), the role of indirect communication problems in the paradigm of discourse analysis (the theory of functional style, the theory of communicative tone, the suggestive theory of discourse), the problems of indirect communication and modern sociolinguistics (the appearance of new areas of communication and new communication units, the formation of new priorities and social hierarchies, and the overall change in the level and quality of communicative competence); indirect communication and speech genres (the study of specific indirect speech genres, and direct / indirect means used in a variety of “difficult”, dialogic genres).

Язык публикации: Russian
Текст статьи:

The article is devoted the history of petitions in Russian office management as а genre.  For illustration of their composition in ХVIII - the beginning of the ХХ  centuries use the documents of the Siberian archives.

Analysis of the pleading documents showed that they are focused on the dialogue between the addressee (downstream) and the recipient (parent entities), which reflects the nature of the relationship authorities and subordinates and their linguistic form. Initially, the documents in question are less standardized, include local indicators of different levels.  Initially, the instruments are less standardized, include local indicators at different levels.

The petitions of the early twentieth century. are already standardized entities with an all-Russian form.

The petitions of the from different periods form office sector,reflecting the continuity communicative activity.

Язык публикации: Russian
Текст статьи:

In the article a brief overview of creativity of Prof. Vladimir Ilyich Karasik has been given in honor of his 60th anniversary in terms of communicative linguistics – theory of communication, discourse analysis, text linguistics, theory of speech genres, theory of communicative tonality, linguocultural theory of character types, for which his works were of great importance.

Язык публикации: Russian
Текст статьи:

Research is made of different means of name calling. Under examination is derogatory attitudes between German and Russian vocabularies.  Close connections are established between the  body,  waste and moral qualities of the person. These relations are nationally specific, which allows one to define a number of ethnic preferences characteristic of the nations analyzed. Such preferences are illustrated by a relation of Russian invectives based on sexual matters (mat) hurled at their German counterparts The text of the article is subdivided into such paragraphs, as head, mouth, nose, gullet, neck, skin, genitals, anus, feces, emissions of gases, etc.

Язык публикации: Russian
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Saratov State National Research University named after N.G. Chernyshevsky has been producing the International Journal “Speech Genres” since 2013. The Journal is dedicated to the problems of speech and communication genres as well as current approaches of studying speech genres. The Journal is based on serial thematic periodical collection of publications “Speech Genres” (Saratov-Moscow, issues 1-8) which has become widely popular in Russia and abroad. The website of the edition is http://old.sgu.ru/node/75195.

The main objective of the Journal is to represent the general state of speech genres theory in Russia and in the world and most up-to-date approaches in the study of speech genres. The editorial board focuses attention on genre studies theory as well as particular speech genres. The Journal will contain publications on speech genres theory: typology of genres and genre forms, genres in connection with language, culture and culture image of the world, linguistic personality, arts, mass media, comparative studies of speech genres etc.

The Journal will include the following sections:

General theory of speech genres;

Studies of separate genres;

Material for Speech genres Encyclopedia;

Genres and near-genre space of speech;

Genres in philo- and ontogenesis;

Genres and arts;

Genres of mass media;

Genres of new culture spheres;


Reviews and bibliography.

Continuity of the Journal “Speech Genres” as related to the collection is emphasized by keeping the numbering: the first issue of the journal is, at the same time, the ninth issue of the collection.

The Journal will come out twice a year.

The languages for publications are Russian and English.

The editorial board welcomes cooperation with all specialists interested in genre studies. Since the Journal comes out twice a year, we expect articles from potential authors until 1st June and 1st December each year.

The Publisher and the editorial board of “Speech Genres” are equally responsible for the Journal. The Publisher has the right to hire and fire editors and make important commercial decisions which require active participation from the editor. The editorial board is fully responsible for defining the editorial content of the Journal. The editorial board insists on the notion of editorial freedom even if the position of its members is exposed to attack.

The initial role of the editorial board is to check whether the submitted manuscript matches the theme, i.e. is included into the sphere of “Speech Genres” interests. The decision on publication is closely connected with some of its characteristics (importance of the theme, originality, scholarly armament, clarity and completeness of written expression). Then the editorial board selects several experts (publisher’s readers) who evaluate the submitted manuscript and contact the author. The head editor and the editorial board members are the first to see the manuscripts and conduct the first selection in order to make further decisions concerning the manuscripts.

The editorial board checks if research matches ethical norms and could do any harm to the readers or the Journal. The editorial board is responsible for editorial decisions being free from prejudice based on nationality, ethnicity, political views, race or religion of the author. Also, the editorial board encourages publisher’s readers to check manuscripts thoroughly for originality or any other violations of scientific ethics.

Materials should be sent as attachment files to an application letter with personal information (surname, name, patronymic, place of work and position, degree and title, contact telephone number and e-mail address). Each article should be enclosed as a separate file.

Articles submitted to the Journal are sent for reviewing. The editorial board makes decisions whether articles will be published taking into account the publisher’s reader’s opinion.

The author is fully responsible for the content of publication.

We would like to draw the authors’ attention to the fact that in the International Journal most information is given in English (titles, annotations, key words, names of organizations in which author is registered, publisher’s imprint). The other part which is not translated into English (authors’ surnames, Russian source names in bibliography, proper names of organizations and publishing houses) and submitted in Cyrillic in the original, should be transliterated into the Roman (Latin) alphabet in accordance with one of the accepted transliteration systems.

Please note that materials not related to the themes of the Journal or not formatted in accordance with listed requirements will not be considered.

Ключевые слова: редакторская статья
Язык публикации: Russian
Текст статьи:

Saratov State National Research University named after N.G. Chernyshevsky has been producing an International Journal “Speech Genres” since 2013. The Journal is dedicated to the problems of speech and communication genres as well as current approaches of studying speech genres. The Journal is based on serial thematic periodical collection of publications “Speech Genres” (Saratov-Moscow, issues 1-8) which has become widely popular in Russia and abroad. The website of the edition is http://www.sgu.ru/node/75195.

The main objective of both the periodical and the Journal is to represent the general state of speech genres theory in Russia and in the world and most up-to-date approaches in the study of speech genres. The editorial board focuses attention on genre studies theory as well as particular speech genres. The Journal will contain publications on speech genres theory: typology of genres and genre forms, genres in connection with language, culture and culture image of the world, linguistic personality, arts, mass media, comparative studies of speech genres etc.

The Journal will come out twice a year.

The languages for publications are Russian and English.

The editorial board welcomes cooperation with all specialists interested in genre studies. Since the Journal comes out twice a year, we expect articles from potential authors until 1st June and 1st December each year.

Materials should be sent as attachment files to an application letter with personal information (surname, name, patronymic, place of work and position, degree and title, contact telephone number and e-mail address). Each article should be enclosed as a separate file.

Articles submitted to the Journal are sent for reviewing. The editorial board makes decisions whether articles will be published taking into account the publisher’s reader’s opinion.

Articles for publication should comply with the requirements of Russian Science Citation Index, Web of Science and Scopus, i.e. contain, apart from the main text, the following information in Russian and English:


surname, name, patronymic in full (if there are more than one author, all authors must be listed);

position, title and degree;
full and exact place of work of each author in Nominative case.

It is important to indicate full and exact place of work of each author. (If all authors work or study at the same institution, it is not necessary to indicate place of work for each author separately);

subdivision of organization;

contact information (e-mail, city, mailing address) for each author.





or any other librarian-bibliographic classification and disciplinary indices.

Required font - Times New Roman, size: 14 pt – main text, 10 pt – bibliography, with 1 interval, paragraph 1.25 cm, all margins 2 cm. The volume of submitted material should not exceed 10 pages including remarks and bibliography (no more than 30000 characters including space).

Speech illustrations are italicized, accentuations are made in bold type.

References should be given in continuous numbering at the bottom of the page.

Reference to the source should be as in the sample: (В. Пелевин. Желтая стрела), (АиФ. 2009. №5.), (Первый канал. Вести. 07.08.2009), (http://demotivators.to/p/759951/pes-tyi-moi-uspokoitelnyie-ne-videl.htm).

Shortenings, symbols and quotations are processed in accordance with commonly accepted standards (GOST R 7.0.5−2008).

In case of citation from other works it is necessary to make a reference to the source.

We would like to draw the authors’ attention to the fact that in the International Journal most information is given in English (titles, annotations, key words, names of organizations in which author is registered, publisher’s imprint). The other part which is not translated into English (authors’ surnames, Russian source names in bibliography, proper names of organizations and publishing houses) and submitted in Cyrillic in the original, should be transliterated into the Roman (Latin) alphabet in accordance with one of the accepted transliteration systems.

This requirement is compulsory in journals peer-reviewed in international systems of science citation Web of Science and Scopus.

Therefore, each article published in the Journal “Speech Genres” must have two related bibliography lists: with the original (Russian) titles and Latin titles. The Latin variant of the Russian title of quoted publication includes the transliteration of the Russian title and its translation into English.

Reference to the quoted work in text should follow the pattern: [1: 25].

Numbering in bibliography goes not in the alphabetical order, but in the order they appear in the text: [1] is the first reference which appears etc.

Example of article formatting:

УДК 81’27:811.161.1

ББК Т3(2)634-6-Т3(2)64-3

В. В. Дементьев

Саратов, Россия

V.V. Dementyev

Saratov, Russia


Аннотация. Исследование посвящено сопоставлению ценностных жанровых картин мира и входит в лингвокультурологическое направление языкознания, выявляющее лингвистический аспект культурно-обусловленного отношения к миру.

Коммуникация, которую структурируют жанры, есть важнейшая часть культуры, и жанры – ее формы – так же обусловлены субъективным, культурно-опосредованным ценностным взглядом на мир, как и культура в целом.

Жанровое своеобразие каждой культуры определяется набором жанров и содержательными характеристиками, которыми наделяется каждый жанр в данной культуре, их соотношением и оценочным отношением к ним.

Выявлены некоторые качественные различия в коммуникативном и речежанровом воплощении ключевых национальных концептов, отраженные как в структуре, так и в именах речевых жанров.
Abstract. This article is devoted to comparing the value genre pictures of the world and is naturally a part of the contemporary Linguoculture field of Linguistics which researches the language aspect of the culture-valued view on the world.

Communication structured by genres is the fundamental part of culture. Speech genres are viewed as basically value-making. Speech genres which are forms of communication as well as culture on the whole are marked by the cultural view on the world.

The genre identity of every culture is defined by the set of speech genres and conceptual characteristics, which every genre gets within this or that culture, by the genres` value correlation, which is caused by the common culture-valued view on the whole world.

Essential differences in the communicative and speech genre embodiment of national key concepts which are reflected in the structure and the names of the speech genres have been discovered.

Ключевые слова: речевые жанры, коммуникация, культурные характеристики, оценочные системы.
Key words: speech genres, communication, culture characteristics, value systems.

Сведения об авторе: Дементьев Вадим Викторович, доктор филологических наук, профессор кафедры теории, истории языка и прикладной лингвистики.

Место работы: Саратовский государственный университет им. Н. Г. Чернышевского.
About the author: Dementyev Vadim Viktorovich, Doctor of Philology, Professor of the Chair of Language Theory and History, and Applied Linguistics.

Place of employment: Saratov State University n. a. N. G. Chernyshevsky.

Контактная информация: 410012, г. Саратов, ул. Астраханская, д. 83, 11 корп., к. 207.

E-mail: dementevvv@yandex.ru

Текст, текст, текст, текст, текст, текст, текст, текст, текст …………………………………………………………


1. Балашова Л.В. Политический 2012 год в зеркале концептуальной метафоры / Л.В. Балашова // Политическая лингвистика. Вып. 2(44). – Екатеринбург, 2013. – С. 11-22.

2. Дементьев В.В. Основы теории непрямой коммуникации: Автореф. дис. … докт. филол. наук / В.В. Дементьев. – Саратов, 2001. – 42 с.

3. Серль Дж. Косвенные речевые акты / Дж. Серль // Новое в зарубежной лингвистике. Вып. XVII. – М., 1986. – С. 195-222.

4. Гусейнов Г.Ч. Заметки к антропологии русского Интернета / Г.Ч. Гусейнов. – URL: http://magazines.russ.ru/nlo/2000/43/main8.html (дата обращения: 01.06.2006).

5. URL : http://www.newsru.com/russia/05oct2010/samosud.html (дата обращения 27.03.2011 г.).


1. Balashova L.V. Political 2012 in the mirror of conceptual metaphors. [Politicheskij 2012 god v zerkale kontseptual'noj metafory]. Politicheskaya lingvistika – Political Linguistics, 2013, no. 2(44), pp. 11-22. Ekaterinburg.

2. Dementyev V.V. Fundamentals of the theory of indirect communication. [Osnovy teorii nepryamoj kommunikatsii: Avtoref. dis. ... d-ra filol. nauk]. Saratov, 2001, 42 p.

3. Searle J. Indirect speech acts. [Kosvennye rechevye akty]. Novoe v zarubezhnoy lingvistike – New in foreign linguistics, Moscow, 1986, no. XVII, pp. 195-222.

4. Gusejnov G.Ch. Notes to the Anthropology of the Russian Internet. [Zametki k antropologii russkogo Interneta]. Available at: http://magazines.russ.ru/nlo/2000/43/main8.html

5. Available at: http://www.newsru.com/russia/05oct2010/samosud.html

Please note that materials not related to the themes of the Journal or not formatted in accordance with listed requirements will not be considered.

We would like to draw authors’ attention to the fact that the volume of annotation in International Journal is bigger than in Russian editions: usually it comprises about half a text page.

For each article submitted to the journal we appoint two anonymous publisher’s readers from Russian and foreign Ph.Ds competent in the problems discussed in the article. The file with the article in given to the publisher’s readers anonymously, i.e. with no author’s name and other information about them. The reader should evaluate importance of the theme, originality, scholarly armament and clarity of the language and then make a final conclusion about the article (accept, accept with revision, decline) and write a short statement/comment. Remarks from the review (if any) and forwarded to the author of the article. The editorial board is responsible for keeping the names of publisher’s readers anonymous for the author of the article. The editorial board makes decisions whether articles will be published taking into account the publisher’s reader’s opinion.

Ключевые слова: информация для авторов
Язык публикации: Russian
Текст статьи:

This study analyzes the peculiarities and genre organization of the drama discourse The text of drama is viewed as a hyper-genre determining conceptual, aesthetic and communicative space in which all the characters act as language personalities. Speech-genre competence of characters or language personalities performing life-like roles (among them professional ones) determines their inclusion in some new hyper-genre. If someone is left out of a communicative situation or is incompetent in the use of a dominant genre of communication, some other personal genre or an intricate combination of several genres prevails. This can also lead to genre lacunas. The research is based on the play “Live Broadcast” by the modern Ukrainian poet and playwriter Aleksandr Irvanets.

Язык публикации: Russian
Текст статьи:

Modern linguistic anthropology is characterized by the integration of methods and means of the research reflected in the language of knowledge about the world and the person. It uses instrumental opportunities of the genre theory for semantic modelling of the language image of the person.

The substantiation of the research of the language image of the person in the speech genre aspect is given in the article. Meanings, represented by language units of different levels, are focused in the speech genre. The communicative and pragmatic conditionality of these units functioning is also reflected in the present paper. Addressing the speech genres allows to represent the subject-object nature of the language image of the person and describe this image fully.

By the example of the research of the image of the elderly person in the Russian language picture of the world, sense oppositions, represented in evaluating speech genres “approval” and “punishment”, typical for the Russian language, are analyzed. The stereotype evaluation of the age of getting old, reflected in the speech genre “maxim”, are revealed.

Язык публикации: Russian
Текст статьи:

The article deals with the functioning of maxims in colloquial discourse, their considerable number, peculiarities of the essence and form, i.e. thematic preferences and aesthetic means of maxims (metaphors, personification).

The author puts emphasis on the impact of fiction works on colloquial discourse reflected in some

models of maxims in a form of reasoning.

Making a corpus of 4 000 written down spontaneous remarks of the spoken dialogue revealed the connection between the structures and forms of public colloquial discourse and the discourse of popular science, fiction, mass media and philosophy. The above stated inter-discoursial multiplication of meanings is defined as the method of semantic rotation. The method proves relevant in evaluation and self-evaluation of the linguistic individual, as well as estimation of actual and potential language resources.

Язык публикации: Russian
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In the present article, I analyze one subtype of readers’ letters, published in Soviet newspapers in 1920ths, namely, letters of recantation. By this term I mean letters where the author announces his or her resignation from a non-Bolshevist political party. The linguistic analysis of letters of recantation which is proposed in the article allows me to trace some important properties of the Soviet discourse which was only beginning to form in the period under analysis.

Язык публикации: Russian
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The article discusses the problem of speech genre theory development. 

There are three specific areas that require either  extending interpretations of the speech genre concept, or imposing a new specializing term.

First, intergenre phenomena of administrative discourse remain outside speech genre. Then, the concept of genre is not relevant for discursive activity product analysis, because it is associated with oral and written text. Finally, in speech genre theory seems to be perspective study of the cognitive and psycholinguistic aspect.

A dual cognitive-communicative unit “speech tactics / tactical move” is suggested as a unit of speech activity product structuring. Its advantages are discussed: it allows to structure and model intergenre phenomena, gives the opportunity to analyze a discourse activity product of oral interpersonal  administrative communication, and takes into consideration the cognitive and psycholinguistic basis of speech activity.

Язык публикации: Russian
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The article is devoted to a concise analysis of correlation between language, culture, linguo-culture, mind, communication and community, that are regarded as part and parcel of some indivisible unity which is in focus of nowadays researches of integrative character. The speech genres are analysed in the paper through the prism of the unity in question

Язык публикации: Russian
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The fragment is the main genre of  contemporary poetry. The article focuses on the functioning of the genre in the poetry of the Paris Note. 

The author suggests to distinguish between the four types of fragments, according to the context of interpretation: biblical, historical, literary and autobiographical. The characteristic features of these  types are highlighted here, including basic mechanisms for interpreting. The connection between the poetics of the fragment with the stylistic  principles of the Paris  notes is shown in the  article. The research is based on the poetry of G.Adamovich and G. Ivanov.

Язык публикации: Russian
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In the article the typological classification of speech genres used in the sphere of institutional (medical) discourse is first presented. In the article the applicability of concept “paradigms” in the medical discourse is substantiated. It is marked that paradigmal units stipulating paradigmatics of medical discourse can be subdivided into two types: 1) basic paradigms functioning in the common model of anamnesis, and 2) highly specialized patterns related to certain aspects of common paradigms. Based on the concept of disciplinary matrix, which is a set of paradigms and paradigmal relations in some scientific discipline, its leading role in patterning the model of institutional (medical) discourse is stated. It is marked that paradigmatics as a methodological basis of clinical discourse is revealed at a level of speech as well.

Язык публикации: Russian
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The article analyzes the opinion of Russian linguist V.M.Alpatov who denies in the modern study of communication deductive approach. Have been discussed the points of view, according to which the deductive approach in science or is itself worse than inductive, or can not be used for external linguistic and non-linguistic reasons. It is shown that in the modern study of communication is less studies using explicit methods, than postulate. The usage of "lax" sources in theoretical contexts: reflections of writers, philosophers, memoirs of immigrants and ethnic stereotypes – also prevents systematic approach. At the same time these dangers can accompany the use of the deductive approach, as well as be the result / cause of failure from such use.

Язык публикации: Russian
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This article is devoted to justification of insincere speech genres.

Speech genre is understood to be a form of utterance through which a speech act is being realized.
Based on the type of falsified intention (assertive, volitive and emotive), three types of insincere speech acts are distinguished – lie (insincere assertives), manipulation (insincere directives) and hypocrisy - pretending, flattery and slander (insincere expressives). 
Therewith, the speaker has a hidden perlocutionary goal of deceiving the recipient displaying itself in his intention to set the utterance in a form that isn't different from a sincere one.

The conclusion is drawn that only speech acts can be insincere, not genres.

Язык публикации: Russian
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The article deals with comic short poems of various types. It is found that these miniatures in their genre borders selectively express varieties of comical attitude to reality: authorial texts comprise the all comic types (humour, irony, satire) whereas folklore texts express humour and mockery. Main means of comical effect in poetic miniatures are described including style incongruences between the beginning and end of a poem, language play with sound form coincidences, nonce words and allusions. Two types of humour are discussed, nonsense and absurdity, the former being a comical representation of something impossible, the latter being an illogical combination of comic situation participants different positions. Nonsense is typical of English speaking cultures and absurdity is habitual with a Russian attitude to life.

Язык публикации: Russian
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This article is devoted to studying the administrative announcement as a speech genre in Russian language.

Administrative announcement is considered as an complex informative and imperative speech genre of natural and official written language, which register changes in communication and culture.

Administrative announcement as an administrative and regulating sort of text completes an important role in social interaction regulating. It functions in different communication fields and represents features of corresponding discourse types remaining the integrate speech genre. It is formed by means of specific communication strategies and tactics corresponding to the national traditions. On the basis of officiality grade there were outlined core of meaning and it’s field of the given speech genre. The research of administrative announcement in Russian cities allows to make a conclusion that last time there is a trend to use it’s peripheral forms. In our point of view this trend is reflective of modern communicative situation.

Язык публикации: Russian
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This article focuses on linguistic-culural concepts of communicative behavior in Russin and English discourses and highlights their varieties: concepts-events and attributive regulative concepts. The former are modeled as a dynamic frame – scenario of a specific situation and correspond to a speech genre / speech act. The latter, attributive concepts of communicative behavior, characterize situation as a whole; they correspond to the quality slot in a concept-event frame and are verbalized by discourse strategies or tactics.

Язык публикации: Russian
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The paper explores various types of chreia (declarative, responsive, scholastic , etc.) as a didactic genre. These various types include those that are still unresearched in the Russian linguistic literature, e.g., e.g., chriod, ethology, double chreia, and others This language phenomenon is analyzed and systematized and its correlation with a system of adjacent categories is specified. Chreia is juxtaposed to a) enres, such as gnome, parable, fable, and proverb; b) figures of speech, primarily to description and allegory. The historical background of chreia is studied and clarified on the basis of antique (Greek and Latin) sources.

Язык публикации: Russian
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The aim of the article is to characterize the basic assumptions and developments of current research within linguistic genology of usual texts. It's about phrases for specific practical purposes. Their genological presentation covers the most important concepts in the subdiscipline, which can also be referred to as linguistic genology. The article is a discussion about the Polish research on genres of phrases, including the foundations for this theory made by Bakhtin. The author presents the main components of the genology theory, enabling the characterization of a genre as a cultural, cognitive, communication, form-shaping, stylistic, and historical category. In the second part of the article, the presentation of the most important current problems of linguistic genology, and the related genology of usual texts have been included (the notion of pattern and its aspects and variants; genre determinants of selected usual texts and the concept of usual texts style).

Язык публикации: Russian
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Speech genre of joint search for consent helps to overcome dangerous risks of heated debates, often leading to hostile confrontation and alienation. Joint search for consent is a freely uniting people need to develop constructive principles of relations. The first condition of given communicative task is a warning arrangement to the other party and certain efforts on him/herself, linked with possible concessions of search initiatives to another party.

Язык публикации: Russian
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Review of the international conference “Eleventh Shmelev reading” held at the Institute of Russian Language n. a. V. V. Vinogradov of Academy of Sciences (Moscow) on 23–25 February 2015. The most urgent problems of modern speech genre theory were presented and its “hot spots”. The conference organizers tried to invite the leading scientists from all major centers for the study of speech genres in Russia, and abroad. There were two sections: “Genre diversity of contemporary speech communication” and “Language specifics of modern speech genres”. XI Shmelev reading revealed the growing need for linguists-genrists in these newsgroups.

Язык публикации: Russian
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This article discusses intertextuality, a critical but still an under-researched aspect of speech genres (SG). We focus on the intertextual content of Michael Bakhtin’s concept of the SG which he viewed as the «word of the other». The concept of a secondary genre (in terms of the diachronic nature of the SG) is shown as essential and several classifications of secondary SGs based on intertextuality are proposed. We explore relations between secondary SGs and secondary texts and analyze how differences between them are neutralized in linguistic and non-linguistic reflections. We will also look into intertextual relations in the metaphor as used in SGs and into the historic evolution of the SG narratives (e.g., jokes and nicknames). Finally, we trace the ties between the SG and intertextuality in linguocreativity.

Язык публикации: Russian
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Drawing on interviews I conducted with women about their sisters, I identify three narrative types: small-n narratives, big-N Narratives and Master Narratives. Small-n narratives are accounts of specific events or interactions that speakers said had occurred with their sisters. Big-N Narratives are the themes speakers developed in telling me about their sisters, and in support of which they told the small-n narratives. Master Narratives are culture-wide ideologies shaping the big-N Narratives. In my sister interviews, an unstated Master Narrative is the assumption that sisters are expected to be close and similar. This Master Narrative explains why nearly all the American women I interviewed organized their discourse around big-N Narratives by which they told me whether, how and why they are close to their sisters or not, and whether, how and why they and their sisters are similar or different. In exploring the interrelationship among these three narrative types, I examine closely the small-n narratives told by two women, with particular attention to the ways that the involvement strategies repetition, dialogue, and details work together to create scenes. Scenes, moreover, anchor the small-n narratives, helping them support the big-N Narratives which are motivated in turn by the culturally-driven Master Narrative.

Язык публикации: Russian
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The genre of Russian-language encyclopedia articles is analyzed in terms of the impact of socio-cultural context and the stylistic system of the language. We compare the three most significant publications in the chronological range from the end of the XIX century to the present. We discuss the circumstances that contributed to the transformation of the purely scientific genre to the scientific reference work.

Язык публикации: Russian
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At present the problem of genristics attracts attention of a considerable number of philologists. Among other things, a separate problem arises, that of widening or narrowing of the notion of genre as a concept. The author considers it advisable to include blasphemy in the wider field of a genre, as blasphemy presumes an intention to declare the atheist stand of the speaker and, simultaneously, to discredit the position of the opponent. In the article blasphemy is defined as any kind of defamation of religious symbols, be it a verbal attack, violation of religious norms and regulations, physical destruction of holy objects as well as anticlerical activities. A classification of such activities is offered. An analysis of blasphemous inscriptions on the walls of New York subway is carried out. The author concludes that as the role of Christianity in the Western world is on the decline, the aggressiveness of blasphemous activities is proportionally decreasing too. The article compares the results of the atheist policy of the authorities in the Soviet Union to theneutral policies of the Western world and points out that the effect was virtually the same. The policy of non-involvement of the state is contrasted to the clearly hostile attitude to blasphemy in Islamic countries.

Язык публикации: Russian
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The increased interest in the analysis of human verbal behavior leads to the need to define a basic unit of the communication sphere which could serve as the basis of its analysis. The first part of the article provides an overview of different speech units proposed by various authors, such as a speech act (J. Austin and J. Searle), speech genre (M. Bakhtin), situational, aspect and parametric model of communicative behavior (I. Sternin), speech action pattern (K. Ehlich und J. Rehbein). As a conclusion to the overview, the authors propose their own interpretation of the basic unit of communication which they call “speech behavior pattern” (SBP). The illocutionary content and general organization of SBP can be considered universal, while its realization in a language is culturally conditioned and therefore may vary significantly in different language communities. Utterances constituting a certain SBP are organized as a field, which includes a prototypical center and a gradually formed periphery. The second part of the article considers the major factors and components of the contrastive analysis of SBP, including a definition of the illocutionary goal, identifying situational-pragmatic factors and the implementation of major structural forms of SBP, contrastive description of the structure and a hierarchy of communicative-pragmatic fields in the languages under analysis. Finally, the article reveals differences between the notions of equivalence and adequacy and describes possible relations between them in contrastive linguistic.

Язык публикации: Russian
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The article is dedicated to the speech genre as a unifying basis for different theories of style. We clarify the notions of language, speech, dis-course, text in terms of «language phenomena» aspects singled out by L. V. Scherba. Terminological stability allows us to outline four approaches to style definition: cognitive, systemic-structural, textual and communicative. The cognitive aspect of style corresponds to the «system of concepts and strategies of usage». In this view, the speech genre allows for diverse definitions. It forms a cognitive style and can be instrumental in cognitive modeling. The systemic-structural aspect supports the idea of resource stylistics included in genre studies. The textual aspect puts style on equal footing with the speech genre. The communicative aspect interprets communicative style as an abstract category actualized through a speech genre with cognitive-communicative characteristics.

Язык публикации: Russian
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This paper is devoted to the verbalization of the deficit of cognitive abilities in aphoristic sentences. Age, gender and axiological characteristics of stupidity are studied. The paper shows tha that intelligence can be subdivided into four basic modes.: Intelligence as a “normal” degree of cognitive abilitiesas opposed to stupidity which indicated a low degree of these abilities. Ethical evaluation of cognitive abilities allows for the opposition of wisdom to cunning. The corpus of aphoristic utterances dedicated to stupidity shows high frequency of antonyms, metaphors and paradoxes that distinguish these universal utterances.

Язык публикации: Russian
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This article focuses on the development of a new trend in the digital genre theory of the computer-mediated communication (CMC). It is an extension of the offline genres theory but appled to the communicative space of the world wide web. The task of of defining criteria for the speech genres in the communicative space of the Internet is extremely complex and many-fold.. As a result we observe a diversity of classifications of the newcommunicative environment which arise under the influence of social media. In this article we consider modal interactive sites or portals as a convergent hyper genre 2.0 combining several genres simultaneously on the social media communicative platforms. The most salient examples of such genres 2.0 are video hosting (YouTube or Vimeo) and social networks (Facebook or Vkontakte). The main conclusion is that a rapid development of Internet technologies triggers emergence of new digital genre classifications based on three components – technological (web 1.0 – web 2.0 – web 3.0), hierarchical (hyper genre – genre – subgenre) and communicative-dynamic ( conventional communication, convergence, hybridization, mutation).

Язык публикации: Russian
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The article focuses on the genre characteristics of online new baby greetings. The author investigates texts appearing in three cultures – Russian, German and Polish with a reference to earlier observations of «adult» greeting presented in the article «The Mental Scenarios and the Internet Centre Etiquette of Different Cultures (based on online greeting in four languages)» (2012). The author regards internet genres as remarkably similar to folklore and therefore likely to reflect the national culture-related way of thinking in a particular period of time. The author’s observations lead her to conclude that there is a greater similarity between Russian «adult» and «children’s» greetings than in the texts of the same genre in German and Polish. The author assumes that it may ensue from the fact that in the Russian culture a child is not traditionally regarded as a fully fledged interlocutor. The author singles out a number of peculiarities of «children’s» greetings genre in each culture studied seeking to explain them through mental scenarios of the cultures.

Язык публикации: Russian
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Assessment is a compulsory semantic component of the speech genre of a scientific review. The evaluative nature of the scientific review along with its dependence on norms of science-based ethics determines the significance of such category as assertiveness for the speech genre.
Assertiveness is defined as expressed by linguistic and non-linguistic means and characterized by extra-linguistic conditionality, as a semantic-pragmatic category of statement, having a modus nature and correlated with the process of demonstrating the degree of speaker's confidence and peremptoriness to the conveyed information.
A positive assessment in scientific reviews accepts both indirect and direct ways of expression and is substantially free of ethical taboos, whereas a negative assessment needs implications which allow softening the position of a reviewer.
The article looks into lexical and semantic means of indirectly expressed negative assessment typical of scientific reviews.