Guidelines for Authors
on how to publish papers in the journal
“Speech Genres”
1. General Information
1.1. Saratov State University has been producing an International Journal “Speech Genres” since 2013. The Journal is dedicated to the problems of speech and communication genres as well as current approaches of studying speech genres. The Journal is based on serial thematic periodical collection of publications “Speech Genres” (Saratov-Moscow, issues 1-8) which has become widely popular in Russia and abroad. The website of the edition is
1.2.Materials should be sent as attachment files to an application letter with personal information (surname, name, patronymic, place of work and position, degree and title, contact telephone number and e-mail address) to the e-mail Each article should be enclosed as a separate file (see Section 2.2.).
1.3. The volume of submitted material should not exceed 10 pages (see Section 2.1.), including remarks and bibliography (no more than 30000 characters including space). Excess of this volume is allowed in some cases with the editorial staff's consultation.
1.4. The article should be carefully formatted and edited.
1.5. The article should be structured: to include an introduction and conclusion; the main body text of the article should be divided into sections.
1.6. All articles are reviewed for originality before being sent for review, which is carried out by the editorial board of the journal in the textborrowing systems RUKONText ( and Antiplagiat (
1.7. Articles submitted to the Journal are sent for reviewing (pl. refer to Manuscripts Review Procedure). The editorial board makes decisions whether articles will be published taking into account the publisher’s reader’s opinion.
1.8. Articles directed to the author for revision should be returned corrected as soon as possible. Articles delayed for more than three months are seen as a new submission. The revised manuscript should be accompanied by a letter from the authors containing the answers to all the comments and explaining all the changes made to the article. The request to revise an article does not mean that the article will be published, after revision it will be reviewed again
1.9. The author of the article accepted for publication will receive the decision of the board and 2 copies of the license agreement . Both copies should be signed and sent to the following address: Astrakhanskaya ul., 83 , 410012, Saratov, Russia, for V.V.Dementiev. After signing the agreement by the university, one copy is returned to the author.
1.10. The date of receipt of the article is the date of receipt of its final version.
1.11. The manuscripts that do not comply with these rules are not registered and will be returned to the authors without review.
1.12. The Editorial Board complies with the Publishing Ethics of the journals Speech Genres. Authors, submitting a manuscript for publication, and reviewers, agreeing to review the manuscript, also undertake to comply with the specified ethical standards. The authors are responsible for the accuracy of all data presented and are obliged to promptly report the presence of a conflict of interest.
1.13. Editorial board address:
Astrakhanskaya ul., 83, 410012, Saratov, Russia , Saratov State University, Institute of Philology and Journalistic, International Journal «Speech Genres» to editor-in chief Vadim Victorovich Dementev.
Department phone number: +7(8452)-21-06-24 .
Fax: +7(8452) 21-06-44.
1.14. Executive secretary Koshcheeva Olga Valeryevna.
2. Manuscript Requirements.
2.1. Manuscript formatting and style requirements
- The text should be submitted in MS Word for Windows format, single-spaced, with the margins of 2 cm, Times New Roman font; the main text size – 14 points, additional text size (footnotes, tables, picture/figure notes, appendices, notes) 12 points.
- Speech illustrations are italicized, accentuations are made in bold type.
- References should be given in continuous numbering at the bottom of the page.
- Shortenings, symbols and quotations are processed in accordance with commonly accepted standards (GOST R 7.0.5−2008).
2.2. Structure:
1. UDC
3. SURNAME, NAME, PATRONYMIC of the authors
5. INFORMATION ABOUT AUTHORS (if there are more than one author, all authors must be listed):
- surname, name, patronymic in full;
- title and degree;
- subdivision of organization;
- e-mail;
- 150-250 words;
- should include: timeliness of the research topic, problem statement, study purposes, research methods, results and key observation.
- the abstract shouldn’t contain references to the list of references, repeat the title of the article in the content, be in broad terms, that is not outline the essence of the study.
Should contain 8-10 words and words combinations that demonstrate theme specificity, object and result of the research.
All information (the text of the article is excepted) should be given in Russian and English.
2.3. Bibliography and References.
- Bibliography should be formatted according to GOST Р7.0.5-2008;
- the numbering of the sources must follow the order of reference in the text;
- references to unpublished works are not allowed;
- bibliography should include only the works cited in the paper.
References to Russian sources:
- if there is a translated version of the article (book), you should present this version; translated version can also be described as additional information (in parentheses);
- in case there is no translated version, you can use transliteration (, variant LC), English translation of the article (book) should be given in square brackets followed by the language of publication (in Russian);
- if the described publication has doi, it must be indicated.
Example of Reference to the quoted work in text: [1: 25].
2.6. Figures and tables.
- Figures should be submitted in the jpg files format, all the details should be clearly seen.
- All images if printed should be full size (width is 160 mm, picture labels and its caption – 12 TimesNewRoman).
- The caption should be self-sufficient and understandable without the text. If the illustration contains additional symbols , they must be deciphered.
- Each table should be numbered in Arabic numerals and have a themed title, briefly revealing its contents. All columns must bear the most concise and informative subtitles. The units are specified after a comma.
- Figure captions, designations in figures, table headers and their contents are necessarily presented in two languages – Russian and English.
- Each figure and each table in the text have to have a reference in the text.
Example of article formatting:
УДК 81′42
Статья по жанрам речи в журнале «Жанры речи» как … жанр речи?
В. В. Дементьев
Саратовский национальный исследовательский государственный университет имени Н. Г. Чернышевского, Россия, 410012, г. Саратов, ул. Астраханская, д. 83
Дементьев Вадим Викторович, доктор филологических наук, профессор кафедры теории, истории языка и прикладной лингвистики,,
Аннотация. В статье проверяется гипотеза, согласно которой за время существования теории речевых жанров и журнала / сборника «Жанры речи» сложились некоторые структурные – языковые, стилистические, текстовые – закономерности в «среднестатистической» статье по речевым жанрам (а именно: статье в журнале / сборнике «Жанры речи»). Предпринимается попытка проанализировать статьи по жанрам речи, опубликованные в журнале / сборнике «Жанры речи», со структурной (собственно речежанровой) точки зрения, по компьютерным моделям пермской жанрово-стилистической школы, Дж. Свейлза, Й. Мизута, Н. Колье, С. Теуфель и др. Предлагаемый анализ принципиально не тематический (не с точки зрения, «о чем» статьи: каким проблемам жанровой организации речи или каким конкретно жанрам речи посвящены) и не научноэвристический (не оценивается научная качественность, проблемность, актуальность статей, их вклад в науку). Анализируются способы введения данных положений и результатов в науку: наиболее регулярно используемые приемы и структурные закономерности, общие для статей по РЖ, например: какими единицами и категориями языка и речи оперируют при анализе авторы (от конкретных лексических, морфологических, синтаксических единиц до типов речевых актов), на работы каких направлений лингвистики (и не только) опираются в качестве теоретической базы (включая конкретные школы и конкретных авторов, а также частотность обращения к ним), как формулируют новое – прежде всего, стараются ли «вписать» его в существующий научный контекст, традиции (и какие), как обо всем этом говорят (язык, особенно термины, включая новые, формулировки принципиальных положений и методики, заголовков, включая заголовки отдельных параграфов, стиль (прежде всего отступления от собственно научного стиля), способ повествования (описания / рассуждения), композиция (членение статьи), специальные риторические приемы и т. д.). Подробнее рассматриваются пункты: внутреннее цитирование; термины и заголовки статей; оценка (оценочные характеристики статей, уместные в контенсивных, вертикальных и т. п. речежанровых типологизациях) в журнале / сборнике «Жанры речи».
Ключевые слова: журнал / сборник «Жанры речи», структурный / речежанровый анализ, компьютерная модель, термины, заголовки, оценка
An Article on speech genres in the “Speech genres” journal as … a speech genre?
Vadim V. Dementyev,,,
Saratov State University, 83 Astrakhanskaya St., Saratov 410012, Russia
Abstract. The article tests the hypothesis that in the history of the speech genres theory and the journal/collection of articles “Speech Genres”, some structural – linguistic, stylistic, textual – patterns have developed in the “average” article on speech genres (namely: an article in the journal / collection of articles “Speech Genres”). The author attempts to analyze articles on speech genres published in the journal / collection of articles “Speech Genres” from a structural (oriented on the nature of a speech genre) point of view, according to computer models offered by Perm genre-stylistic school, J. Swales, Y. Mizuta, N. Collier, S. Teufel, etc. The proposed analysis is intentionally of not thematic character (not from the point of view of “what” the articles are about: what problems of the genre organization of speech or what specific genres of speech the articles are devoted to) and not scientific-heuristic (academic quality, problematicity, academic relevance of articles, their contribution to science are not evaluated). The focus is on the methods of introducing these provisions and results into science: the most regularly used techniques and structural patterns common to the articles on speech genres, for example: what units and categories of language and speech the authors operate in the analysis (from specific lexical, morphological, syntactic units to types of speech acts), on the works of which areas of linguistics (and not only) they rely as a theoretical basis (including specific schools and specific authors, as well as the frequency of references to them), how the new information is formulated – first of all, whether they are trying to “fit” it into the existing academic context, traditions (and which ones), the way they present all this (language, especially terms, including new ones, formulations of fundamental provisions and methods, headings, including the headings of individual paragraphs, style (first of all, deviations from the proper academic style), the way of narration (descriptions / reasoning), composition (segmentation of the article), special rhetorical techniques, etc.). The following points are considered in more detail: internal citation; terms and headings of articles; evaluation (evaluative characteristics of articles that are relevant in content, vertical, etc. speech genres typologies) in the journal / collection of articles “Speech Genres”.
Keywords: journal / collection of articles “Speech Genres”, structural/speech genre analysis, computer model, terms, headings, evaluation
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1. Кибрик А. Е. Очерки по общим и прикладным вопросам языкознания. М. : Изд-во МГУ, 1992. 336 с.
2. Стексова Т. И. Изъяснительные конструкции в научном дискурсе : жанровые предпочтения // Жанры речи. 2020. № 4 (28). С. 278–286.
3. Кожина М. Н. Проблемы специфики и системности функциональных стилей речи : дис. ... д-ра филол. наук. М., 1970. 253 с.
4. Kaufer D. S. Ironia, forma interpretacyjna i teoria znaczenia // Archiwum przekładów «Pamiętnika Literackiego» / pod red. Michala Głowińskiego. Gdańsk : Słowo/obraz terytoria, 2002. S. 67–85.
5. Кантурова М. А. Деривационные процессы в системе речевых жанров (на примере речевого жанра кулинарного рецепта) : автореф. дис. … канд. филол. наук. Новосибирск, 2012. 26 с.
6. Горин С. В. Мотив воспоминания в ранней лирике К. Д. Бальмонта. URL: (дата обращения: 20.11.2013).
1. Kibrik A. E. Ocherki po obshhim i prikladnym voprosam yazykoznaniya [Essays on General and Applied Problems of Linguistics ]. Moscow, 1992. 336 р.
2. Steksova T. I. Explanatory constructions in scientific discourse : genre preferences. Speech Genres, 2020, no. 4 (28), pp. 278–286.
3. Kozhina M. N. Problema specifiki i sistemnosti funkcionalnyh stiley rechi [The specifics and system of functional speech styles. Dr. philol. sci. diss.]. Moscow, 1970. 253 p.
4. Kaufer D. S. Irony, form of interpretation and the theory of meaning. Collection of translations «Literary memoires». Ed. by M. Głowińskij. Gdańsk, 2002, pp. 67–85.
5. Kanturova M. A. Derivatsionnyye protsessy v sisteme rechevykh zhanrov (na primere rechevogo zhanra kulinarnogo retsepta) [Derivational processes in the speech genres (for example, the speech genre of cooking recipe). Cand. philol. sci. thesis diss]. Novosibirsk, 2012. 26 p.
6. Gorin S. V. Motiv vospominaniya v rannej lirike K. D. Bal'monta (The motif of memories in the early lyric by K. D. Balmont). Available at: 20 November 2013).