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The Verbalization of the Siberians Combatants’ Wishes Used in Letters From the Front in the Days of the Great Patriotic War (Based on the Letters of Krasnoyarsk Territory Citizens Mobilized to the Front)

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The article is devoted to the linguistic description of the means of verbalizing the wishes written by Siberians combatants in their letters from the Front during the Great Patriotic War. The research of verbalization of the wishes has been carried out in terms of linguistic personology and represents a part of the study concerning the pragmatic level of the collective language personality of a combatant as a person who is part of the armed forces and taking part in armed hostilities. According to results of our research there are two typical types of optative statements used in the front line letters of combatants: statements that express the wish itself, and statements that express the wish associated with motive. As a matter of fact in optative statements of the first type the following wishes have been verbalized: meeting with relatives and significant others, communicating with them, returning to their home grounds. Optative statements of the second type may be characterized by verbalization of the wishes to communicate associated with the addresser’s motive to deliver information. It is interesting to note that the verbalization of the wish to live is not typical for front line letters in spite of the situation. The article deals with the description of the most typical formal means of expressing a category of desirability (optativeness). The focus has been drawn to the fact that in statements that express the wish itself the method of personification is used, according to which not only nature phenomena but a front line letter are considered to be animated.
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