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Genology as a Cognitive Space

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The author characterizes, first of all, the cognitive situation in Polish genology, pointing to the scatter of genology studies in disciplinary fields and the emergence of literary, linguistic and journalistic (media) genology, as well as many proposals made by individual researchers.

The second part of the article is an attempt to develop the author’s concept of genology as an open cognitive space designed in the form of a style of thinking, considered as a set of style collections. This style consists of the components of a rich research tradition (not only philological), chosen by genologists (assimilated or rethought).

The researcher considers genology as the science of conventions that shape human behavior in communication, of the types and models of this behavior, implemented in various semiotic codes.

The author suggests dividing the cognitive space of genology into the following sections (areas of research): theoretical, descriptive, historical, practical, and comparative genology. The article presents only the conceptual apparatus and tasks of descriptive research genology. The set of concepts of ordered cognitive genology that describes itself represents various concepts taken from the rich tradition of genology research, as well as authorization proposals. The list of these concepts (and terms) includes the following components: genre of utterance, genre pattern, pattern aspects, sample variants (canonical variant, alternative and adaptive variants), style of genre, genre style, collection of genres, genre in the form of collections, genre copy.


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