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Mediafact as a Genre Entity

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The study deals with the media fact as an entity of media speech and media genres, in particular. The purpose of this article is to show how media facts form genres.

The author adopts a broad interpretation of the concept of ”media fact,” the main characteristic of which is the focus on the presentation of events in their relevance. A media fact is any information in the media that the recipient considers to be a fact and takes into account, building his attitude to the world around him. Facts may be true, value­-based, or false, with each of them having a potential to determine the behavior and actions of a person.

The article analyses the existing at the present moment classifications of media genres; focusing on the dialogical nature of genres, which has enabled substantiating the presumption that it is facts that form genres in media discourse.

The study has revealed the functional spectrum of media facts that make up genres. The news genres have been established to contain facts that reflect objective reality and perform an informative function. The analytical genres include media facts whose task is to adapt objective reality to society’s values. Advertising and entertainment contents are regarded as genres that consist of facts that misconstrue the objective reality. Different assessments of objective reality make it possible to create its broad and multivariate picture. Advertising and entertaining content have a built­-in structure of a reality that is fictional, specially designed or organized, which acts as their ontological characteristic.They are regarded as genres containing facts that distort objective reality. The multifunctionality and structural instability of genres are determined by the presence of media facts of different functional types.



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