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Actual problems of indirect communication and its genres: a view from 2013

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In the article the aspects of the problem of indirect communication in linguistics of the last ten years have been discussed. A brief overview of the state of modern linguistics and its place in the problems of indirect communication has been provided. The main directions of recent research on this issue have been presented, as well as the types and aspects of indirect communication that had not become the object of attention of linguists. Separately, the problem of indirect communication and linguosemiotics has been discussed (semiotic classification of indirect communication, a comparative study of linguistic units and non-izosemic structures with different degrees of conventionality), indirect communication and lexical semantics (metaphorical categories like direct / indirect, and their semantic structure), the problem of indirect communication and cognitive linguistics (the study of how the direct and indirect aspects of the concept, including etymological and associative, are reflected in different parts and aspects of the text and in the overall communicative competence of a native speaker), the role of indirect communication problems in the paradigm of discourse analysis (the theory of functional style, the theory of communicative tone, the suggestive theory of discourse), the problems of indirect communication and modern sociolinguistics (the appearance of new areas of communication and new communication units, the formation of new priorities and social hierarchies, and the overall change in the level and quality of communicative competence); indirect communication and speech genres (the study of specific indirect speech genres, and direct / indirect means used in a variety of “difficult”, dialogic genres).


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