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Aspects of the Use of Adverbs of Manner in an Academic Article

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The study of the genres of academic speech is one of the topical problems of modern linguistic research, and this explains the choice of the theme of this work. The article discusses the syntactic and semantic features of the adverbs of manner, functioning in an academic article. The study is based on the articles published in Russian collections of articles and journals belonging to different academic fields. According to the results of the analysis, the majority of adverbs of manner act as secondary members of sentences. Most of them are pronominal adverbs and groups of the words with the meaning of activity, indirectness, habitual actions, mode of action or process. Parametric adverbs and words, naming the point of view or the position, through which the author evaluates various processes or phenomena are quite common in the academic article. Adverbs-determinants are less common in this genre. More often they are used by scholars to evaluate their own work or the work of their colleagues in terms of persuasiveness, reliability, validity of argumentation, objectivity and logicality. Adverbs of manner in the position of the predicate are usually included in the model Inf Adv-o and express the evaluation of the action or state expressed by the infinitive.

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