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Axiological genristics: aspects of a problem «evaluation and genre»

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The article is devoted to one of the most important and obvious aspects of speech genres – relation of speech genres and evaluation. This issue is im-portant not only for the theory of speech genres, but also for linguistics in general, although it is far from being solved.
We discuss the key concept of this problem – “form of evaluation” – a kind of genre norms that determine, on the one hand, the pragmatic, stylistic, linguistic modeling of evaluative actions, on the other – the differences between adjacent evaluative genres.
Speech genre evaluations of different types determine different types of speech genres, thus – the possibility of new speech genre classifications. We discuss the classification in which evaluation is “superimposed” on other fundamental principles of classifications: M. Bakhtin’s division of types of speech genres (primary and secondary speech genres, types of speech genres varying in rigidity); “Speech genre schedule” by T. V. Shmeleva; classification of phatic speech genres.
Evaluation is shown in different near speech genre phenomena (evaluative acting, evaluative utterance, a variant of evaluative speech genre, communicative tonality, communicative / linguocultural character type).
Speech genre evaluation is discussed in connection with the general intra-culture values.


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