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Children's oath in the soviet era: speech genre characteristics

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The oath in child's speech becomes a secondary character. The basis of the article conprices set expressions, functioning in an informal communication. Most of them appeared in the Soviet period, due to the specific role of ritual in the USSR and the characteristics of the Soviet system of the speech genres. The most significant differences between children's oath are: its formal organization (a narrower repertoire of specific components acting as a guarantee in the case of their verbalization, the possibility of rhyme, stability); the presence of methods to neutralize it with the purpose of exemption from liability for its breach; a variety of sources, of which there is a borrowing of speech formulas of oaths (jargon, oral speech), and on which there are new texts (text of the pioneer oath, poetic transcriptions of oaths, literary texts). The author poses the question of the relation of the oath to the children's folklore.


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