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Dialogism in the genres of internet communication (chat, forum, blog)

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The article deals with the timely problems of modern communicative linguistics and virtual genristics. In the article, the essence of the dialogism category is defined in relation to both traditional communication (not technically mediated and non related with electronic media environment), and in relation to Internet communication, where the studied category has its own characteristics. With the base on the lexicographical sources, the differences in the conceptual content and the use of the terms «dialogism» and «interactivity» are established. The characteristics of dialogism category realization of such genres of online communication as chat, forum, blog, are analyzed. The compared genres are characterized by the following features: 1) the pragmatic coordinates of communication; 2) the type of dialogue by the communicative target orientation; 3) thematic specifics; 4) linguistic features. It was found that although the overall dialogue in the virtual space is fundamentally different from the dialogue in real communicative space, dialogical communication in the chat as a genre of synchronous communication is closer to a live oral conversation than communication on forums and blogs, which are genres of asynchronous communication.


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