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The article provides a brief overview of research works devoted to the ritual discourse as well as the analysis of the dependence of the degree of rituality on the type of discourse, genre, and extralinguistic factors. The article also gives an insight into functioning of ritualistic genres in British, American, and Russian political discourse in terms of diachronic and synchronic analysis. The main emphasis is on the genres of British political discourse – a speech from the throne (Queen’s / King’s Speech) at the State Opening of Parliament and Christmas messages, and the evolution of these genres on structural, thematic, and lexical levels. Genre development are observed on the structural, thematic, and lexical levels: typical constructions and verbal means characteristic of different genres are elicited; composition and a range of set and new topics are analysed; the alterations in verbal characteristics and tonality of the genre are revealed. The research has shown that the genres manifest the typical functions of the ritualistic communication and possess consistent structural characteristics whereas the verbal image depends on the speaker and historical period.
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