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Genre as a Textual Modality Actualizer (on the Basis of Regional legislation documents)

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The article devote systematization of representations of the relationship between speech genre and text modality. The article is topical. There is the fragmentation of the study of means and methods of explicating the modality of the official text in the recantive aspect and applied research. The presupposition for the study was the idea that the subject of documentary speech can “discover” itself directly at the level of vocabulary and indirectly through the choice of forms of grammatical categories, namely through means of expressing the text modality. As a result of the research, the two-sided character of the connection between the phenomena in question was revealed: the genre determines the means and ways of expressing the text modality and at the same time creates it with their help. The research was revealed the two-way nature of the connection of the phenomena in question: the genre determines the means and ways of expressing the text modality and is created with their help at the same time. Types of speech genres correlate with the types of texts according to the nature of the modal dominant as a criterion of general intentions. Means of expressing the deontic and epistemic varieties of modality can be the same linguistic means, including means of expressing evaluation. Open evaluation in speech genres can’t be indifferent to its successful execution. It directly or indirectly hinders this. The quality of the genre’s execution depends the unmistakable choice of modal means, which can have legal consequences in legal discourse.

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