Genres of Network Discourse
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The paper deals with genre characteristics of network discourse treated as communication in social networks. Constitutive features of this communication include (1) a communicative community of people who share mutual interests and have access to a common electronic resource, (2) multimodal semiotic nature of messages having visual, audial and textual components, (3) opportunity of immediate responses to any message, (4) a short communicative distance with merging of public and private formats of interaction. The genre system of this discourse type is very flexible, it consists of personal and institutional communicative elements and includes both distinct and diffuse genre entities. The material analyzed makes it possible to specify 8 genre types within network discourse on the basis of a key intention of communication: 1) demonstratives (self-presentations, such as selfies), 2) reportatives (important news, usually reposted), 3) sociatives (notes about interesting things or events, usually connecting people as a topical group), 4) creative (pieces of creative art, original or reposted), 5) agitatives (messages promoting some goods or way of life), 6) instructives (recommendations for solving concrete problems), 7) prescriptives (wise observations, usually
with moral implications), 8) attractives (entertaining jocular messages).
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