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Hospital discourse: narratives, remarks, dialogs

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The research is based on personal observations made while staying in municipal hospital and notes taken at the surgery of the mentioned hospital from November, 21 till December, 4 of 2015. The focus is on the following pairs of communicators: the doctor – the patient, the nurse - the patient, the nurse – the nurse, the patient – the family member, the patient – the patient. The article deals with a problem of interception, following A.V. Nagornaya, who based her research on English literary texts. The author focuses on the concepts of pain for studying hospital discourse. The importance of preserving felicitous ancient metaphors is stressed. The article deals with the use of domens: the body as house, the body as device etc. Hospital narratives and hospital chronotope, and expression of remarks and dialogs, hospital humor, diminutives and «significant absence» are under study.


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