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Manuscripts requirements

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Saratov State National Research University named after N.G. Chernyshevsky has been producing an International Journal “Speech Genres” since 2013. The Journal is dedicated to the problems of speech and communication genres as well as current approaches of studying speech genres. The Journal is based on serial thematic periodical collection of publications “Speech Genres” (Saratov-Moscow, issues 1-8) which has become widely popular in Russia and abroad. The website of the edition is http://www.sgu.ru/node/75195.

The main objective of both the periodical and the Journal is to represent the general state of speech genres theory in Russia and in the world and most up-to-date approaches in the study of speech genres. The editorial board focuses attention on genre studies theory as well as particular speech genres. The Journal will contain publications on speech genres theory: typology of genres and genre forms, genres in connection with language, culture and culture image of the world, linguistic personality, arts, mass media, comparative studies of speech genres etc.

The Journal will come out twice a year.

The languages for publications are Russian and English.

The editorial board welcomes cooperation with all specialists interested in genre studies. Since the Journal comes out twice a year, we expect articles from potential authors until 1st June and 1st December each year.

Materials should be sent as attachment files to an application letter with personal information (surname, name, patronymic, place of work and position, degree and title, contact telephone number and e-mail address). Each article should be enclosed as a separate file.

Articles submitted to the Journal are sent for reviewing. The editorial board makes decisions whether articles will be published taking into account the publisher’s reader’s opinion.

Articles for publication should comply with the requirements of Russian Science Citation Index, Web of Science and Scopus, i.e. contain, apart from the main text, the following information in Russian and English:


surname, name, patronymic in full (if there are more than one author, all authors must be listed);

position, title and degree;
full and exact place of work of each author in Nominative case.

It is important to indicate full and exact place of work of each author. (If all authors work or study at the same institution, it is not necessary to indicate place of work for each author separately);

subdivision of organization;

contact information (e-mail, city, mailing address) for each author.





or any other librarian-bibliographic classification and disciplinary indices.

Required font - Times New Roman, size: 14 pt – main text, 10 pt – bibliography, with 1 interval, paragraph 1.25 cm, all margins 2 cm. The volume of submitted material should not exceed 10 pages including remarks and bibliography (no more than 30000 characters including space).

Speech illustrations are italicized, accentuations are made in bold type.

References should be given in continuous numbering at the bottom of the page.

Reference to the source should be as in the sample: (В. Пелевин. Желтая стрела), (АиФ. 2009. №5.), (Первый канал. Вести. 07.08.2009), (http://demotivators.to/p/759951/pes-tyi-moi-uspokoitelnyie-ne-videl.htm).

Shortenings, symbols and quotations are processed in accordance with commonly accepted standards (GOST R 7.0.5−2008).

In case of citation from other works it is necessary to make a reference to the source.

We would like to draw the authors’ attention to the fact that in the International Journal most information is given in English (titles, annotations, key words, names of organizations in which author is registered, publisher’s imprint). The other part which is not translated into English (authors’ surnames, Russian source names in bibliography, proper names of organizations and publishing houses) and submitted in Cyrillic in the original, should be transliterated into the Roman (Latin) alphabet in accordance with one of the accepted transliteration systems.

This requirement is compulsory in journals peer-reviewed in international systems of science citation Web of Science and Scopus.

Therefore, each article published in the Journal “Speech Genres” must have two related bibliography lists: with the original (Russian) titles and Latin titles. The Latin variant of the Russian title of quoted publication includes the transliteration of the Russian title and its translation into English.

Reference to the quoted work in text should follow the pattern: [1: 25].

Numbering in bibliography goes not in the alphabetical order, but in the order they appear in the text: [1] is the first reference which appears etc.

Example of article formatting:

УДК 81’27:811.161.1

ББК Т3(2)634-6-Т3(2)64-3

В. В. Дементьев

Саратов, Россия

V.V. Dementyev

Saratov, Russia


Аннотация. Исследование посвящено сопоставлению ценностных жанровых картин мира и входит в лингвокультурологическое направление языкознания, выявляющее лингвистический аспект культурно-обусловленного отношения к миру.

Коммуникация, которую структурируют жанры, есть важнейшая часть культуры, и жанры – ее формы – так же обусловлены субъективным, культурно-опосредованным ценностным взглядом на мир, как и культура в целом.

Жанровое своеобразие каждой культуры определяется набором жанров и содержательными характеристиками, которыми наделяется каждый жанр в данной культуре, их соотношением и оценочным отношением к ним.

Выявлены некоторые качественные различия в коммуникативном и речежанровом воплощении ключевых национальных концептов, отраженные как в структуре, так и в именах речевых жанров.
Abstract. This article is devoted to comparing the value genre pictures of the world and is naturally a part of the contemporary Linguoculture field of Linguistics which researches the language aspect of the culture-valued view on the world.

Communication structured by genres is the fundamental part of culture. Speech genres are viewed as basically value-making. Speech genres which are forms of communication as well as culture on the whole are marked by the cultural view on the world.

The genre identity of every culture is defined by the set of speech genres and conceptual characteristics, which every genre gets within this or that culture, by the genres` value correlation, which is caused by the common culture-valued view on the whole world.

Essential differences in the communicative and speech genre embodiment of national key concepts which are reflected in the structure and the names of the speech genres have been discovered.

Ключевые слова: речевые жанры, коммуникация, культурные характеристики, оценочные системы.
Key words: speech genres, communication, culture characteristics, value systems.

Сведения об авторе: Дементьев Вадим Викторович, доктор филологических наук, профессор кафедры теории, истории языка и прикладной лингвистики.

Место работы: Саратовский государственный университет им. Н. Г. Чернышевского.
About the author: Dementyev Vadim Viktorovich, Doctor of Philology, Professor of the Chair of Language Theory and History, and Applied Linguistics.

Place of employment: Saratov State University n. a. N. G. Chernyshevsky.

Контактная информация: 410012, г. Саратов, ул. Астраханская, д. 83, 11 корп., к. 207.

E-mail: dementevvv@yandex.ru

Текст, текст, текст, текст, текст, текст, текст, текст, текст …………………………………………………………


1. Балашова Л.В. Политический 2012 год в зеркале концептуальной метафоры / Л.В. Балашова // Политическая лингвистика. Вып. 2(44). – Екатеринбург, 2013. – С. 11-22.

2. Дементьев В.В. Основы теории непрямой коммуникации: Автореф. дис. … докт. филол. наук / В.В. Дементьев. – Саратов, 2001. – 42 с.

3. Серль Дж. Косвенные речевые акты / Дж. Серль // Новое в зарубежной лингвистике. Вып. XVII. – М., 1986. – С. 195-222.

4. Гусейнов Г.Ч. Заметки к антропологии русского Интернета / Г.Ч. Гусейнов. – URL: http://magazines.russ.ru/nlo/2000/43/main8.html (дата обращения: 01.06.2006).

5. URL : http://www.newsru.com/russia/05oct2010/samosud.html (дата обращения 27.03.2011 г.).


1. Balashova L.V. Political 2012 in the mirror of conceptual metaphors. [Politicheskij 2012 god v zerkale kontseptual'noj metafory]. Politicheskaya lingvistika – Political Linguistics, 2013, no. 2(44), pp. 11-22. Ekaterinburg.

2. Dementyev V.V. Fundamentals of the theory of indirect communication. [Osnovy teorii nepryamoj kommunikatsii: Avtoref. dis. ... d-ra filol. nauk]. Saratov, 2001, 42 p.

3. Searle J. Indirect speech acts. [Kosvennye rechevye akty]. Novoe v zarubezhnoy lingvistike – New in foreign linguistics, Moscow, 1986, no. XVII, pp. 195-222.

4. Gusejnov G.Ch. Notes to the Anthropology of the Russian Internet. [Zametki k antropologii russkogo Interneta]. Available at: http://magazines.russ.ru/nlo/2000/43/main8.html

5. Available at: http://www.newsru.com/russia/05oct2010/samosud.html

Please note that materials not related to the themes of the Journal or not formatted in accordance with listed requirements will not be considered.

We would like to draw authors’ attention to the fact that the volume of annotation in International Journal is bigger than in Russian editions: usually it comprises about half a text page.

For each article submitted to the journal we appoint two anonymous publisher’s readers from Russian and foreign Ph.Ds competent in the problems discussed in the article. The file with the article in given to the publisher’s readers anonymously, i.e. with no author’s name and other information about them. The reader should evaluate importance of the theme, originality, scholarly armament and clarity of the language and then make a final conclusion about the article (accept, accept with revision, decline) and write a short statement/comment. Remarks from the review (if any) and forwarded to the author of the article. The editorial board is responsible for keeping the names of publisher’s readers anonymous for the author of the article. The editorial board makes decisions whether articles will be published taking into account the publisher’s reader’s opinion.

Key words: 

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