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Mirilka as the Genre of Children’s Folklore

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The article is devoted to the genre of mirilka (from the Russian «мир» – peace) as the form of the children’s verbal creativity which is the byways of learning in linguistics and folklore. The topicality of the research of the speech genre of mirilka is connected with the wide use of such texts by preschoolers. Moreover, it is due to the possibility of using mirilkas in the educational process aiming to form the ability of overcoming conflicts and interacting constructively with peers in games. The article is focused on the research of the mirilka as the genre of folklore and as the speech genre with its inherent characteristics. In folklore mirilka has a definite name which allows separating it from the other small forms of children’s folklore. Mirilkas demonstrate a complicated mixture of children’s and adults’ creativity, reflecting legal, psychological, playing and ritual forms of people’s relations aimed at reconciliation, solving conflicts and breaking communication barriers. Analyzing the features of mirilka as the form of genre the author is guided by the model of a speech genre suggested by T. V. Shmelyova. This analysis focuses on the communicative aim, the image of the author and of the recipient, the image of the past and of the future as well as the dictum content and the linguistic peculiarities of this genre.

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