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On the Internet genre of ritual (based on new baby greetings)

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The article focuses on the genre characteristics of online new baby greetings. The author investigates texts appearing in three cultures – Russian, German and Polish with a reference to earlier observations of «adult» greeting presented in the article «The Mental Scenarios and the Internet Centre Etiquette of Different Cultures (based on online greeting in four languages)» (2012). The author regards internet genres as remarkably similar to folklore and therefore likely to reflect the national culture-related way of thinking in a particular period of time. The author’s observations lead her to conclude that there is a greater similarity between Russian «adult» and «children’s» greetings than in the texts of the same genre in German and Polish. The author assumes that it may ensue from the fact that in the Russian culture a child is not traditionally regarded as a fully fledged interlocutor. The author singles out a number of peculiarities of «children’s» greetings genre in each culture studied seeking to explain them through mental scenarios of the cultures.


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