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Spectacular and Ludic Aspects of Speech Genres: T-shirt-legends

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The article supports the thesis about the relevant socio-­semiotic positioning of T­-shirt-­legends in the system of modern mass communication and the con­sequently resulting legitimacy of their investigation as a specific class of research objects of language theory and discourse analysis. The author argues that texts under examination are marked in two ways as manifestations of genre and functional consistency in socio­-communicative practices. On the one hand, they illustrate the trend towards the formation of spectacular and ludic modus of language functioning in modern communication discourse, on the other hand, they are integrated into the paradigm of ver­bal and non-­verbal means of phatic communication, specified for the communicative contextualization of area of spontaneous social contacts. To characterize the semiotic-­communicative nature of those texts a number of features are highlighted: their role in struc­turing the social space and generating information flows, complexity of expression level, polymodality, ambiguity of reference and pragmatic function. The article includes the analysis of relevant imple­mentations of the category of discourse subject; it is demonstrated that for a given category of texts, in addition to the inherently implied functional roles of the author and recipient, relevant subjective position of the text demonstrator is crucial. There is a focus on the problem of intentional structure of the studied texts; the author comes to the conclusion that this structure is diffusive and context­deterministic, inex­haustible in the aspect of detail; invariant and system­ically relevant (paradigmatic) intentional characteris­tics of such texts are specified as the communicative contextualizing of social contacts area, producing lu­dic and hedonic effects, representation of existential experiences and socio-­cultural values.

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