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Speech Genres in the Communication “Doctor – Patient” in the Novel by B. L. Pasternak “Doctor Zhivago”

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The article is devoted to the study of speech genres, connected with the communication between the doctor and the patient in Pasternak’s novel. In “Doctor Zhivago” as “genre polyform” the dialogue between the doctor and the patient becomes actual as an integral part of the content of the novel, represented by the characteristic paradigms of the doctor and the patient. Due to the peculiarities of composition this speech genre acquires integrity and semantic completeness in the novel because of the ability “to be an action” and to be in direct contact with reality, in direct relation to other people’s statements and transition of the description of the patient’s state into the author’s speech plan. It is revealed that in many communicative situations in the novel doctors act not only as clinicians, but also as psychologists who understand the need to influence patients with neurotic syndrome.
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