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The “Life” Concept in the Speech Genre of the Autobiographical Story: Constants and Transformation (Based on Dialect Speech)

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The article deals with recent problems of correlation of a speech genre and culture and fits into the context of modern researches in cognitive, dialect genre studies and cognitive dialectology. A key concept for
Russian culture “Life”, functioning in dialect autobiographical texts, recorded in Tomsk region from the middle of the 20th century till the present time, is described in the article. These texts are considered as a speech genre. Ideas about life, which do not change or change over time under the influence of certain factors, are identified. In the structure of concept – as a unit of consciousness, which is represented by language the conceptual, figurative and axiological layers are revealed.It is determined that along with an understanding of life as existence in time, space, etc., life represents by dialect speakers as a concept which is synonymous to the concept “Work”, and transformation of representations about life is caused by influence of social, political, economic, and ecological factors.
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