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The construction of genre typology of the social media

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This article focuses on the development of a new trend in the digital genre theory of the computer-mediated communication (CMC). It is an extension of the offline genres theory but appled to the communicative space of the world wide web. The task of of defining criteria for the speech genres in the communicative space of the Internet is extremely complex and many-fold.. As a result we observe a diversity of classifications of the newcommunicative environment which arise under the influence of social media. In this article we consider modal interactive sites or portals as a convergent hyper genre 2.0 combining several genres simultaneously on the social media communicative platforms. The most salient examples of such genres 2.0 are video hosting (YouTube or Vimeo) and social networks (Facebook or Vkontakte). The main conclusion is that a rapid development of Internet technologies triggers emergence of new digital genre classifications based on three components – technological (web 1.0 – web 2.0 – web 3.0), hierarchical (hyper genre – genre – subgenre) and communicative-dynamic ( conventional communication, convergence, hybridization, mutation).


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