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Trends of Changes in the Stilistic Identity of Traditional Journalistic Genres in the Present Press

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Interconnection, interpenetration, or convergence of journalistic genres, is the main process typical of traditional journalistic genres, which is altering their stylistic image. Journalists seek to provide a multifaceted view of complicated modern life, which makes media landscape particularly dense and heterogeneous. The article describes several tendencies which have changed the stylistic image of traditional newspaper genres – tendency towards interactivity, creolized structure, visual representation of information. The focus is on the main means of implementing these tendencies. Increased interactivity is provided by special means of information actualization, attracting and retaining the attention of the addressee; means of helping the addressee in text understanding; dialogization: integration of dialogical units in the monologue, question-answer units of different types, as well as interrogative sentences, rhetorical questions, colloquial constructions, etc. The tendency towards creolized structure is manifested in the fact that the print media, especially the mass media, have taken the track of information visualization. The verbal part of the text takes up less and less space of the printed issue. Much attention is given to the layout of materials and their fragments on the newspaper page. Infographics, such as diagrams, tables, drawings, collages, etc., is widely used. There are a lot of pictures. All these visual aids systematize the information transmitted, reduce the proportion of the verbal component of the text, make it more attractive to the reader, who is accustomed to receiving visually interesting information via the electronic media and the Internet.

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