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What Have Genre Studies Given to Modern Linguistics?

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The article summarizes the preliminary results of the interaction of genre studies and linguistics of the last three decades. The significance of genre studies for linguistics is determined by the fact that the speech genres themselves are of exceptional importance for the language – the object of linguistics: not equal to the language completely, speech genres are a phenomenon without which it is impossible to truly comprehend the structure, functioning, and history of the language.

The article focuses on a number of areas of modern linguistics, for which the influence of genre studies is especially significant:

1) traditional (system­structural) linguistics: the implementation into the research apparatus of the concept of speech genre and the principles of speechgenre analysis continues the pragmatization of linguistic research;

2) cognitive linguistics: the theory and methods of genre studies provide the basis for the research of communicative concepts – higher­order structures that include, together with speech genres, other communicative units in the chains of speech­genre systemacity “action/act ∼ process/manner ∼ role/type ∼ tonality ∼ genre”;

3) presentation of the speech picture of modernity: it is shown that when solving this problem, genre studies gave linguistics, firstly, the most important object of study: speech genres in the formation of the speech­genre picture of a country/era, and the most critical, in this sense, moments and trends; secondly, a methodology developed in genre studies for describing a given speech­genre picture;

4) typological understanding of linguistic cultures (typology of linguistic cultures on various genre fundamental principles; genre fullness of various sections and areas of communication within these cultures);

5) the study of language borrowings in connection with speech genre borrowings;

6) the study of Internet communication and its genres;

7) the study of game communication and its genres;

8) corpus linguistics and corpus genristics as its part (the problem of key phrases of speech genres);

9) genre studies and scientometrics: the digitalization of modern science is understood as a process that has a speech genre content, based on the speech genre mechanisms of generating and transforming the text, the interpretation of which can be useful both in order to better understand the nature, tasks and tools of scientometry at this stage, and in order to better understand the genre structure of academic discourse.

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