Cherniavskaia Valeria Evgenievna

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Publication in the collection of articles "Speech genres": Сherniavskaia V.E. Text type in socio-cultural perspective [Tip teksta v sotsiokul'turnoy perspektive]. Zhanry rechi – Speech genres. Saratov: College, 2005. Vol. 4. Genre and concept. Pp. 102-112; Сherniavskaia V.E. "Typological dilemmas": Main results and trends of modern speech genres theory ["Tipologicheskiye dilemmy": Osnovnyye itogi i tendentsii razvitiya sovremennogo zhanrovedeniya]. Zhanry rechi – Speech genres. Saratov: Publishing Center "Science", 2009. Vol. 6. Genre and language. Pp. 174-184.