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Shmeleva Elena Yakovlevna

Department of Culture Russian language, Senior Researcher
Scientific degree: 
Candidate of Philology
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Publication in the collection of articles "Speech genres": Shmeleva E.Ya., Shmelev А.D. Telling jokes as a genre of contemporary Russian speech: problems of variability. [Rasskazyvanie anekdota kak zhanr sovremennoj russkoj rechi: problemy variativnosti]. Zhanry rechi – Speech genres. Saratov: College, 1999. Vol. 2.  Pp. 133-146; Shmeleva E.Ya., Shmelev А.D. Russian anecdote in the twenty-first century (the transformation of the speech genre). [Russkij anekdot v dvadtsat' pervom veke (transformatsii rechevogo zhanra)]. Zhanry rechi – Speech genres. Saratov: College, 2005. Vol. 4. Genre and concept.  Pp. 292-298; Shmeleva E.Ya., Shmelev А.D. Ethnic stereotypes within the speech genre (Russians and new Russians in Russian jokes). [Aetnostereotipy v predelakh rechevogo zhanra (russkie i novye russkie v anekdotakh)]. Zhanry rechi – Speech genres. Saratov: Publishing Center "Science", 2009. Vol. 6. Genre and language.  Pp. 345-354; Shmeleva E.Ya. Russian anecdote: the dialogue of "double" characters. [Russkij anekdot: dialog «parnykh» personazhej]. Zhanry rechi – Speech genres. Saratov: Publishing Center "Science", 2011. Vol. 7. Genre and linguistic identity.  Pp. 218-225.

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