Tarasova Irina Anatolyevna

Publication in the collection of articles "Speech genres": Tarasova I.А. "Genre expression" of poetic word and the problem of typology of artistic concepts. [«Zhanrovaya ehkspressiya» poehticheskogo slova i problema tipologii khudozhestvennykh kontseptov]. Zhanry rechi – Speech genres. Saratov: College, 2005. Vol. 4. Genre and concept. Pp. 136-144; Tarasova I.А. Communicative model of the genre "poetic message": invariant and cultural transformations. [Kommunikativnaya model' zhanra «poehticheskoe poslanie»: invariant i kul'turnye transformatsii]. Zhanry rechi – Speech genres. Saratov: Publishing Center "Science", 2007. Vol. 5. Genre and culture. Pp. 300-311; Tarasova I.А. Genre of diary in poetry by Georgy Ivanov. [Zhanr dnevnika v poehzii Georgiya Ivanova]. Zhanry rechi – Speech genres. Saratov: Publishing Center "Science", 2009. Vol. 6. Genre and language. Pp. 365-375; Tarasova I.А. Genre by the eyes of an ironic: genres in poetic picture of the world of early G. Ivanov. [Zhanr glazami ironika: zhanry v poehticheskoj kartine mira rannego G. Ivanova]. Zhanry rechi – Speech genres. Saratov: Publishing Center "Science", 2011. Vol. 7. Genre and linguistic identity. Pp. 302-312; Tarasova I.А. Genre transformation in Russian poetry abroad. [Zhanrovye transformatsii v poehzii russkogo Zarubezh'ya]. Zhanry rechi – Speech genres. Saratov, Moscow, 2012. Vol. 8. Genre and creativity. Pp. 288-300.