Zhelvis Vladimir Ilyich

Publication in the collection of articles "Speech genres": Zhelvis V.I. Invective in the paradigm of means of phatic communication. [Invektiva v paradigme sredstv faticheskogo obshheniya]. Zhanry rechi – Speech genres. Saratov: College, 1997. Vol. 1. Pp. 137-144; Zhelvis V.I. On a form of euphemistic replacement. [Ob odnom vide ehvfemisticheskoj zameny]. Zhanry rechi – Speech genres. Saratov: College, 1999. Vol. 2. Pp. 281-287; Zhelvis V.I. Verbal duel: the history and the game part. [Verbal'naya duehl': istoriya i igrovoj komponent]. Zhanry rechi – Speech genres. Saratov: College, 2002. Vol. 3. Pp. 200-205; Zhelvis V.I. Culture and obscenity: relationship problems. [Kul'tura i nepristojnost': problemy vzaimootnoshenij]. Pryamaya i nepryamaya kommunikatsiya – Direct and indirect communication. Saratov: Kolledzh, 2003. Pp. 52-60; Zhelvis V.I. Name-calling as a national-specific characteristic. Anglo-Russian swear preferences. [Obzyvaniya kak natsional'no-spetsificheskaya kharakteristika. Аnglo-russkie brannye predpochteniya]. Zhanry rechi – Speech genres. Saratov: Publishing Center "Science", 2011. Vol. 7. Genre and linguistic identity. Pp. 188-210; Zhelvis V.I. "Anti-Grice": postulates rudeness as a regulator of communicative behavior. [«Аnti-Grajs»: postulaty grubosti kak regulyatora kommunikativnogo povedeniya]. Zhanry rechi – Speech genres. Saratov, Moscow, 2012. Vol. 8. Genre and creativity. Pp. 99-109.