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The study is devoted to the forecast as one of the still insufficiently studied speech genres. Forecasting assumes a special significance in the period of sociopolitical instability, when society is interested in looking into the future, so that it was possible to prevent all sorts of negative consequences. Various forecasts such as information and analytical genres are constantly broadcast through the media. This determines the problems of this research and its relevance. The research is based on Russian federal and regional publications and their electronic versions. The forecast is considered as a subgenre, included in more complex genre forms – conversations, interviews, official speeches. The method of discourse analysis used by the author allows to reveal specific features of the genre, individual speech strategies of the addressee in forecasting (informing, creating the image of the future), realized tactics (manipulation of information and recipient’s consciousness, epiphany, argumentation, etc.). The headlines of the printed media show the provocative nature of individual forecasts: by reducing the hypothetical character of the text, making it ambiguous the journalist distorts information, provokes the appearance of rumors and conjectures. The article shows the ways of the genre representation: personal (author’s) forecasts and forecasts reflecting someone else’s point of view (citation). The author analyzes linguistic aspects of the genre: the use of verbs that reduce the degree of categoricality, forms of the future and present of extended time. The role of expressive means (negatively colored vocabulary, metaphors, hyperboles, irony) that contribute to increasing the impact of forecasts on the mass audience is highlighted.
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