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Corpus genristics: a problem of key phrases

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The article discusses the theoretical and practical problems related to the study of speech genres on the basis of the material of databases, and generally using the methods of corpus linguistics.

In the foreground there is the problem of “key phrases”, or text markers of speech genres, which can be searched in the case. According to the authors, the key phrase of speech genre is its essential characteristic, which is present in speech genre competence of a native speaker and should be included in the relevant speech genre description as an additional parameter.

The main requirements for key phrases are formulated: 1) a key phrase must have the main semantics of the genre; 2) according to this criterion, you can actually search for and find many examples in the corpus database system.

An initial classification of the key phrases of speech genres has been proposed, that are differenciated by 1) the nature of speech genres of various types (particularly meaningful is the juxtaposition of standardized and free, direct and indirect genres); 2) the technical capabilities of buildings; 3) specific tasks of a speech genre study (whether to identify the genre of speech in the speech flow, or to carry out one or other quantitative analysis of the text within the already identified speech genres).

In the article, are presented the results of the initial study of key phrases of speech genres in idiomatic dictionaries, online communication, anecdotes.


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