Diary as a Lyrical Speech Genre
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The diary is a lyrical speech genre, if we consider speech genres from the point of view of the universal triad that goes back to the antiquity – epic, lyric and drama. Diary is a recognition of the special price of the word, consistently saving a grain of everyday life experience. The article outlines the idea of a two-step indirect diary addressee. The first step: «I» is the author, meaning him(her)self in some future tense. The second step is the turn to the descendants, to an unknown reader-interlocutor, to likely biographers, etc. – on demand. The spectrum of diary topics is boundless: from everyday details to reflections of an existential character, from impressions connected with personal experiences to drafts of professional sketches. The purpose of the diary is to free the writer from the burden of various impressions, the regular fixing of which contributes to the author’s psychotherapeutic self-regulation.
Key words:
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