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Functioning of Clichéd Constructions in the Speech Genre of Cinema Announcement (based on Internet Movie Announcements of Indian Films)

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The article touches upon current problems of speech genres functioning on the Internet and fits into the context of modern research in the field of virtual genre studies. The article discusses the speech genre of the movie announcement and describes the means of its language embodiment. The research is focused on the analysis of clichéd constructions and is based on 250 Indian film announcements written in Russian and posted on Indiankino.net. The author offers a descriptive model of the movie announcement speech genre which includes the following parameters: the communicative goal and type of speech genre, the image of the author and the addressee, the image of the future and the image of the past, the composition of movie announcement, the type of dictum content, means of its linguistic embodiment, non-verbal means. There is a special focus on the use of clichéd constructions in all compositional parts of the analyzed texts (name of the film, exposition, plot of the film, denouement). The research has shown that clichés function in every compositional element. The author singles out the main functions of clichéd constructions in the speech genre of the movie announcement: persuading function, advertising function, as well as text-building and genre-forming functions.

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