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Genre Communicative Analysis of the Gospels Parable on the Material of Orthodox and Protestant Sources

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The study of particular kinds of discourse becomes more and more actual in modern linguistics. During the last decades in Russian linguistics discoursology developed into a separate direction focused on study of theoretical and applied aspects of discourse. In this connection many researches of the end of 90s and beginning of 2000s are dedicated to the study of religious discourse. The Gospels parable genre is an integral part of the genre system of the above-mentioned discourse and at the same time it is a specific subtype taking the intermediate position between primary and secondary religious genres. So the research of parable genre contributes to study of religious genres and genre specifics of religious discourse in general. The purpose of the given article is linguophilosophical analysis of the Gospels’ parable of the net on the material of Russian and English New Testament and also analysis of Orthodox and Protestant commentaries of the above-mentioned parable. To reach the given purpose the method of contextual and semanticcognitive analysis, the method of discourse analysis, linguocultural and linguophilosophical analysis were used in this article. The study of the parable of the net in Orthodox and Protestant interpretation traditions showed that Protestant subdiscourse, unlike Orthodox subdiscourse, is characterized by eschatological tragedy while in the Orthodox subdiscourse there is moral and ethical accent.

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