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Genre of New Year greetings in social networks

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The article examines the content and stylistic features of modern greeting discourse in social networks based on the texts of the professional community of business coaches and communication specialists in social networks. This type of greeting discourse is conventionally referred to a written electronic formal professional discourse variety. The content and style of these texts, on the one hand, preserve the cultural traditions of greeting speech rhetoric, on the other hand, they require innovative ideas and new means of expression. Congratulations become one of the informational reasons for creating advertising messages. Through the texts of greetings, their authors promote ideas and advertise their companies. When focusing on a common system of common places-ideas, communication in social networks requires content-stylistic dynamism and a variety of language tools, which are manifested in the contamination of bookish style and professional terms with colloquial and argotic elements. Each author tries to create their own style, expressing their ideas either in the expanded figures of speech, or in the utmost conciseness. It is necessary to state spelling and punctuation negligence, as well as sometimes deliberate violation of punctuation rules as a stylistic device. The greeting discourse in social networks is an expressive example of modern trends in the “use of language” and the creation of a “language taste of the era”. Creative innovations in the compilation of greeting texts in social networks require an active “introspection” of the activities of philologists themselves, who also participate in such greeting events and could become “legislators of style and taste”. Therefore, the article ends with examples of greeting texts written by specialists in Russian philology who show creative ingenuity and style originality in creating such texts.


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