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Is irony a speech genre? (once again, about some features of irony)

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In the article the author examines the different points of view on a popular question of current theory of speech genres: whether irony is a speech genre. The author discusses different ways to understand the essence of irony, and the place of irony in the more or less related communicative speech phenomena: the relation between irony and humor (including the various genres of humor, such as jokes, anecdotes, mockery), the possibility of rudeness in ironic texts (ironic aggression can manifest itself not only in the form of a thin ridicule, but in rough shape), irony and self-irony in internal speech (the irony is not expressed due to ethical, diplomatic or other reasons: ironic or sarcastic consent reaction to the speech of the person with whom there is no dialogue, and the ironic citation itself). Some specific methods of “subtle irony” are considered in detail (strong underestimation of the negative evaluation of the person or situation, especially typical for English and American literature).


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