Logic of Sign Systems of Different Types (on Example of the Logic of Statement and Genres of Speech)
The works of Abraham Solomonick are well known to philosophers and linguists that specialize in semiotics of language and individual languages. Three important aspects of all sign systems get attention of the Israeli-Russian scientist; they are 1) the nature and internal structure of sign systems, 2) their origin and 3) their functioning. This latter aspect is given particular attention in Solomonick’s book "On Language and Languages" published by the Moscow publishing house Sputnik+ in 2017. The present work is particularly an extract from this book, which we decided to submit in a somewhat modified form of an independent article. The core principal of Abraham Solomonick's work might be useful and interesting not only for traditional linguists but also for the researchers of speech and speech communication, including experts on speech genres. Along with the logic of the actual language systems, the author considers the logic of their applications (functioning in the form of communication, statements and texts). As one would expect, an important role is given to units and categories of speech system, and above all to speech genres. It is from this point of view that a number of genres of oral and written speech are discussed in detail in the article: oral narrative, public speech, composition on a given topic, epistolary genre, etc.
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