Prediction as a Speech Genre
The article deals with a speech act «prediction», its content is a categorical declaration of future events. Semantically it is a type of communicative concepts, and pragmatically, it combines characteristics of declarations and commissives. Predictions may be either rationally determined or intuitively generated, the former are typical of a scientific discourse whereas the latter mostly function within religious and habitual communication. Two types of predictions are singled out – prophecies and divinations, the first are sent from the God, the second are obtain by means of esoteric practice. The object of a prediction is a significant event for an addressee. Prophets as subjects of prediction usually criticize people, and fortune tellers take the reality as it is. Prophets are opposed to pseudoprophets, sorcerers and frauds. Predictions may include conditions of their realization. Predictions are usually formulated in a vague manner and their interpretation is often ambiguous. Their genre system is very diverse and ranges from horoscopes to scientific and pseudo-scientific prognoses.
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