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The article deals with the use of metaphors in the context of speech genres of emotional impact on the addressee. The theoretical substantiation of these genres with the description of their features and means of realizing the speaker’s intent are presented, taking into account whether the desired emotional impact is positive or negative. On the basis of the works of scientists united upon being founded on the principle of semantic study of speech genres, verbal means of such impact are studied, of which the main focus is on the semantic means, which implies, among other things, the study of vocabulary within certain speech genres. The methods of corpus linguistics are used to confirm hypotheses based on the analysis of lexicon of a lexical-semantic group of a certain semantic field (in this case, the semantic field of “Property and commodity-monetary relations”). The analysis is preceded by working with the dictionary sources. The advantages and disadvantages of referring to the linguistic corpus to increase the empirical base are noted. The metaphorical models, revealed on the basis of the frequent use of metaphorical units in the corpus, are given.
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