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Violation of the cooperative principle as the manifestation of “communicative sabotage” speech genre

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The article studies the “communicative sabotage” speech genre as a possible way of reacting to criticism in the response utterances of the presidents of Russia and the USA, V. V. Putin and B. Obama. The internal genre tactics of communicative sabotage are considered in relation to Grice’s Cooperative Principles. Both approaches are perceived as complementary in relation to each other, which allows to get a holistic perception of deviations from norms of interpersonal communication. The fact that communicative sabotage belongs to indirect communication reflects the specifics of the presidential discourse, which consists in the need to avoid inconvenient topics and to veil information in public communication with journalists. The role of communicative sabotage in solving pragmatic tasks of the president’s communication, such as the struggle for power, allows to attribute it to agonal speech genres.

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