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Utterance, Genre, Discourse: Semiotic Modeling

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The paper deals with semiotic representation of dis­course treated as a text immersed in a communica­tive situation. In this respect discourse may be an­alyzed from the point of view of 1) its form and content correlation and 2) types of its content. The first approach makes it possible to single out three contextually relevant levels of discourse manifestation: 1) a concrete situationally bound utterance or text, 2) a text genre and 3) a discourse type. The sec­ond approach is aimed at description of semiotically relevant contensive types of discourse. Three types of signs as proposed by Ch. Pierce allow us to de­scribe signal, iconic and symbolic types of discourse corresponding to 1) phatic communion conventions, 2) topic and situation correlation and 3) programs of behavior as implanted in discourse. Three types of sign meaning (semantic, pragmatic and syntactic sign dimensions) as postulated by Ch. Morris focus on 1) the meaning of discourse (its topic), 2) per­sonal and situational characteristics of interactions (non-­assertive components of meaning – emblems, al­legories and symbols – are especially important in this respect), 3) inter­-discourse combinations, cor­relations and evolution patterns. Semiotic modeling of discourse enables us to see its multidimensional nature and describe its structural, topical, social, psy­chological and situational qualities.

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